
An Unforgettable Stay in Todos Santos, Mexico
Hintersteiner Lake, A Must See in Austria
On one of our days in Austria we drove just 25 minutes north to the beautiful Hintersteiner See, where we were blown away by it's gorgeous turquoise water. The area is perfect to spend enjoying the views, having a coffee overlooking the water, swimming the summer and plenty of trails to walk along that surround the entire body of water.
A Rejuvenating & Relaxing Weekend at Hohe Salve
Last weekend when we traveled to Austria and stayed with Sport Resort Hohe Salve it was the most relaxing experiencing I have had in a while. It was the first time I came home from a weekend trip and actually felt more relaxed and rejuvenated than when I had arrived. I think the infinity pool, perfect Austrian weather, and modern spa might have done the trick.